Sound Healing
with Eluv
Eluv's Sound Journey's
Uplifting Music in the Spirit of Peace, Love and Joy. Eluv's Sound Journey's are an immersion into grace with her angelic vocals, sacred songs and sacred sound to awaken joy of heart. Acting as a channel between divine realms, exotic mantras and healing songs are customized specifically for the audience. Expressed into a tapestry of pure tones of the Crystal Singing Bowls, lush harp strings and vocals, this healing music has a harmonizing and uplifting effect on the listener. The ethereal pure tones generated by the Crystal Singing Bowls are some of the purest and most powerful healing tones in existence. Each concert is one of a kind; uplifting, deeply healing and transformational.
Jacy S • Healing Journey of Sound is Transformative. I have experienced many different healing modalities over the years and I have to say that Eluv's Healing Journey of Sound is transformative. Her crystal bowls and dulcet voice help you to relax and surrender to the experience...letting go of all the mind chatter and being in the present moment with the music gently pulsating through your cells and ridding the body of negative, old energy. It's a truly healing experience that I look forward to participating, again and again.
Mary L • Angels....Relaxing into Eluv's music as it cleared my mind, I could hear angels singing. Thank you for your many gifts and talents!
Heidi H • Great way to end a stressful week! I've been to 5 of Eluv's singing bowl events and I've had a different experience each time, all of them as lovely as she is. This is great for clearing my often cluttered mind. I have met several really cool people at these events. It's easy, relaxing and medicinal. I recommend it for anyone!
Steve R • A Graceful Transport Into My Inner Self Eluv crafts an extraordinary environment for the inner journey. The music and the vibrations of the bowls invite you into a deeply satisfying and welcoming experience. There is skill at work here! I was gently led into a state of relaxation and calmness, a place where I was aware and yet ...gone! This is a remarkable gift to yourself, and a wonderful spiritual treat to give to someone else. I give Eluv my highest regard.
Justin White • I felt kind of different after I saw the crystal bowls and closed my eyes and listened, I feel like kind of relaxed after the end. It's all kind of good, calmer.
Kasey T • Unexpected Healings 2011 was a terrible year for my body because I was living with a swollen knee for 11 out of the 12 months. I'd visited the doctor several times, attempted to get it drained twice and finally settled with making an appointment with the surgeon to find relief. While working at a Helio spa, my boss suggested that I attend a crystal bowl class that was being held that evening. I had invited a couple friends to come with me but they all bailed. I almost did too but something told me to stay and I'm so glad that I did. As I'm laying on the floor in this yoga studio on top of a yoga mat, my mind is telling me that I should leave because this was so outside of my comfort zone. I didn't want to be rude, however, so I decided to stay and see what this was all about. Eluv had set up the studio with soft lighting and her beautiful crystal bowls at the front of the room. She sat cross legged on the floor with only a microphone and her bowls to assist her in this journey.
This was my first time ever experiencing anything this radical in my entire life and I will say that it moved me. In the beginning of the class she let us know that the vibrations from the crystal bowls would shift the cells in our body. She also said that if we had any injuries, they might start to tingle and feel restless. That's exactly what happened to me. About 45 minutes into this healing, my knee started to ache. It felt like restless leg syndrome but in my knee. As I laid there on the floor stretching my leg back-and-forth, I was so lost in the meditation and the experience that the temporary discomfort of my knee didn't bother me. The class came to an end and we all slowly came back to reality ending this experience with a soft chant. It was incredible. The following day after this class, my knee was extremely painful. I was scared because the pain hadn't been this severe all year and I didn't know what to do. After another day has passed the pain went away. Not just the pain, but the swelling that had been there for almost a year was completely gone. It was a miracle! Since then I have told this story to anyone who has an injury that won't heal. I would recommend her class to anyone and everyone that I meet because it changed my life. I thought I was going to have surgery and because of Eluv and her beautiful class, I didn't have to go through with it and haven't had any pain since then. If you're thinking about taking this class, do not hesitate! You will not be disappointed with the experience and you never know, it may just change your life. Thank you so much for pursuing your passion Eluv ! I will definitely be back for another healing soon!
Tracey A • So beautiful! Great experience for disappearing into your inner landscape and coming back transformed. An auditory treat. Treat yourself, it's a great gift to yourself! Thank you Eluv for your beautiful work.
Sue P • Soulful and Profound. Eluv's healing music puts me immediately into a blissful state. I feel a release of what I don't need to hold on to anymore and an immediate recharge of what I need. Her beautiful energy and sounds have a healing effect that I resonate so strongly with. She is very gifted and talented. I highly recommend going to one of her healing music concerts. You deserve to treat yourself!
Diane M • Sound Healing I have experienced Eluv's sound healing which was a delightfully restful and grounding two hours. Eluv's extraordinary vocal, instrumental and channeling skills are a rare gift which I would recommend to anyone seeking direction or simply a gentle release from the chaos of the everyday world.
Rhea • I thought the crystal bowl meditation was amazing. The sound just vibrated through the whole place in your whole body was incredible. I feel just energized and relaxed afterwards. And it just felt like my body melted into the sounds and there were all sorts of different sounds coming from things that I had no idea what kind of thing was making that noise, but they were wonderful noises so I loved it. And I had a wonderful experience. It's fantastic.
Sandra • Well, I've just experienced Eluv's amazing sound journey with crystal bowl meditation. And it was an exquisite, exquisite experience. I feel energized and relaxed. I feel like each of the different sounds struck chords within my own body and opened me up and I feel like I'm even more alive and awake to new experiences, especially with sound. I would look forward to doing this again and sharing it with my friends and acquaintances. Great experience not to be missed.
Mary V • Bliss and Healing with Eluv. I have had two sound healing experiences with Eluv. One was in a group setting at a studio and the other a one-on-one session at home. The results were beyond what was promised. Aside from the deep relaxation, I experienced true body healing. While the sound waves and vibrations do their own kind of physical work, Eluv herself is a true gift to anyone who comes in contact with her. Her gentle yet larger than life aura belongs on a world stage and I count myself blessed to have spent time with her on this earth. No matter the personal or social issue, Eluv applies tools to resolve them. She does not engage in gossip or stories, rather she resolves problems and relationships with deep understanding; a gift that she uses during her sound healing journeys. Anyone having met Eluv will remember the experience for the rest of their life. I count her as a dear and trusted friend.
Jay B • I'm here tonight for the crystal bowls. I've been using Eluv's CDs which I was given about a month ago and they have made a great difference in my health and my high blood pressure has been lowered. The crystal bowls tonight, I came in here very stressed and they calmed me down and made me feel very positive and happy. I'm very grateful for them. I will be back and I will keep practicing trying to align myself with them. This has been a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it for anybody who is stressed or has health problems. Thank you.
Mathew & John • We just experienced the Crystal Bowl Sound Journey with Eluv. And now I'm free and light. It was a great experience, very much like meditation. I felt like I went into a deep space that was very healing and came out of it to this great sound. Thank you. I feel like there's space between every single one of my cells. Thank you. So one thing that I really got out of it was a myofascial unwinding as being a massage therapist and working with my hands all the time. It just a nice frequency of unwinding as well as grounding. And I saw lots of lights and lots of healing with spirit guides.
Kathy M • I am an intuitive therapist from Clearwater Florida and tonight I got to experience the Eluv's sound journey.. And it was a beautiful experience really helped to just clear the full channel helped to really cleanse the subtle bodies in a way that even doing this work myself really was a great assistant so I highly recommend it to other body workers therapists or just if you have a curiosity about learning or experiencing sound is a highly therapeutic experience and I recommend it.
Heidi • I just finished Eluv's sound healing journey and it was really incredible. And I came in feeling pretty stressed from a long day of teaching with a lot of things weighing heavily on my mind. And it was hard to get my body to a comfortable place to allow for to be receptive I guess but within a few minutes, the sound just kind of took me away into like another world I just felt the soothingness of it all and things just started to drip away and I was able to go into really deep relaxation which I really needed and I feel a lot better. I feel rested and more relaxed and a lot less stress. Ready to take on another day.
Nila W • Dear Eluv,
Two and a half years ago I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I have used your Chakra meditation for almost the last year, and feel the healing flow from this beautiful CD I have also given this CD to several of my clients (I'm a massage therapist.) I also silently say the affirmations during sessions on behalf of clients, knowing that the envisioning is heard by their subtle bodies. I have also given this CD to a treating doctor who has been open.
I especially love the sacral chakra mediation: "I assimilate and digest all that comes to me, using both the positive and negative equally to nourish and nurture me I integrate both equally, knowing that both are energy that can be used positively." I am able to apply this wisdom now in the moment, however challenging.
The more people who listen to your meditations, the more beautiful this world will be, the more we will raise our consciousness, and the more we will heal ourselves, each other, and our beloved earth.
Your voice is a gift to me and to all who listen to your meditations. I have come to associate your voice with one of my spiritual guides and picture, as I meditate, an angel in the room with me. After a long day, I lie on the floor between two comforters in the dark and do the long version of the Chakra meditation. These meditations go very deep. I also use the short version during a twenty minute yoga workout. I know that listening to the Chakra meditation has changed my life and my treatment. As you say, "I let go of my need to react negatively. "I also love "I can now release my fears, replacing them with creativity and understanding." And with many of my clients, nurses, and one doctor in particular, I have shared the phrase "I activate my personal power to attain positive solutions." They all love these words. How could they not? The Chakra meditation is deeply powerful. Each session, I am renewed and re-energized, washed clean and purified.
Eluv, you are using the gift of your voice, your wisdom, and your experiences to bring healing, light and love into the world. That is a gift. I also love each specific affirmation, and how, because you do not go too "new age", no one, including the scientific community, can find fault with your affirmations. The affirmations are clear, pure and firmly rooted in wisdom that cannot be quarreled with.
Your CD has deepened and helped my treatment and my life. Peace and Namaste, Nila
Serap • I love your CD and you have a beautiful voice. It took me to great places.
Maureen H • Where to begin. Eluv's sound journey was so transformational.
I was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disorder 16 years ago right over my heart chakra. I realized after the crystal bowl meditation that my injury is related to my heart chakra.
I never put together that the onset of my illness came just as my marriage was becoming deeply troubling. I am confident that with working to clear my heart chakra, my illness will subside.
Before attending the sound journey, a relationship I had was troubling me; it just didn't feel right. When I awoke, there were things that I knew that I didn't know before the sound journey began. One of the messages I received was to speak the truth regarding this relationship. The results were amazing! I had been troubled at night with thoughts about what to do. No longer, I sleep like a baby, and i know i took the correct course of action.
I would highly recommend buying eluv's cds. I have the crystal bowl sound journey that I listen to daily. I also just started to use her chakra meditation cd.
She is a gift to us all. Thank you eluv!
Catherine T • Hey Eluv- you were awesome tonight! The singing bowls and the chanting truly beautiful! I could feel the different chakra's vibrating with the sound during savasana. An experience I shall never forget.
Jenny C • I just discovered your work through typing "guided visualization" into Spotify. I LOVE YOUR WORK! It helps me balance my whirling dervish life of mother, wife, nurse and self. Thank you!
Readings & Sessions
Mark R
I came across Eluv about 12 years ago as my spiritual journey was just starting. I was working with a trainer from the Monroe Institute, and she recommended one of Eluv’s CDs, Chakra Meditation with Hemi-Sync. I loved that CD and listened to it frequently. At the time I was living in Chicago.
In 2014, I was relocated to Tampa, Florida. After having been in Tampa for about a year, I thought one day, I wonder if Eluv has made any more CDs? I Googled her. Well, to my surprise, she lives in the Tampa area, and she was going to be doing a group reading that very week. I went to the group reading and met her in person. Afterwards, I decided to do a private reading with her, and she literally blew my mind. When she channels spirit, her voice changes, they call that trance channeling. The detail that she provides about situations, and what other people are feeling and thinking, is unbelievable. The clarity and guidance that I receive is amazing and actionable. Eluv also offers Ancestral Clearing, which is very helpful, especially when you get stuck on something, and you don’t know why.
For a while early in my journey, I used to get readings from a lot of people which caused a lot of confusion. I have learned that once you find someone you resonate with, you stick with them. I now use Eluv exclusively. I don’t even consider getting readings from other people.
Christine E
“Thank you so much for the channeled reading. I noticed after how much lighter my heart felt! I saw a huge difference in the intuitive art I created after our session. I think the ancestral clearing worked wonders.” Thank you.
Mark C
For over a quarter of a century Eluv has been a close colleague, friend, creative strategist, artist, healer, channel and most recently an amazing Epigenetic Coach to me and many others.
Her authenticity has never faltered while her wisdom , empathy and compassion have grown to effect countless beings.
Humans, Animals, Nature and Spirit have all felt the Grace of Eluv.
I look forward to my continued work with Eluv.
Heather S
I have had the amazing opportunity to work with Eluv. From my first encounter with her, her abilities became so apparent it actually left me speechless and desiring further sessions. She is the real deal. Her energy and spirit are so inviting and calming. I highly recommend her on your team as part of the healing journey through what we call life. I am excited that she is on my team as well as very grateful that the universe placed us in each other's lives.
Darla R
Eluv has a compassionate and direct worldview that can cut through to the heart of issues. Her process really listens to you, and asks you questions you may not want to hear, but need to consider. She is kind and has amazing insights. She is also an amazing healer with her music.