Animals experience the world through an energetic filter, they are super tuned into the energies of every person, animal, place, or circumstance they encounter. They respond energetically to the world around them and are extremely sensitive to external influences of imbalanced energy and human emotions such as anger or fear.
Electrical energies from Wi Fi, cell phones, above or underground electrical grids, TV’s and general household appliances have electrical patterns that can nudge our animal friends out of balance, and anxious, sometimes to the point of illness. The “electrical” energetic patterns of flower essences emanate natures perfect balance, positively helping animals to re-balance and improve the quality of their health and well being.
In nature, animals recognize and forage for plants and flowers with certain patterns of energy to assist them. In our modern age of domesticated animals and often limited resources of natural flowers available, our animal friends do not always have the option to seek out the plants and flower they need to heal themselves.
Animals and flowers share many evolutionary challenges. Flower essences offer animals an ideal way to re balance and heal. They effortlessly replicate the energetic information and patterns of the flower essences, which naturally moves the animal towards greater health.
I have a bunny Shanti (pictured blow) who occasionally loves to munch on fresh aloe vera straight from the plant. (surprisingly as aloe skin is quite bitter.) As Shanti doesn’t do this every day, she has shown me this plant is medicine for her. Bunnies can suffer from fur blockages in the intestines, so aloe makes sense as it’s extremely versatile in it’s vibrational strengths, helping calm and soothe inflamed tissue and restore health during any illness. The flower essence of aloe allows animals to experience it’s benefits when it is not available and without the bitterness, as the essence comes directly from the flower and not the leaf.
I always have 2 water bottles for Shanti and decided one day to experiment by only putting flower essences in one bottle. Over the years I have learned from Shanti that every single time she will choose water from the water bottle that has flower essences in it, over the water bottle that has none.
Flower Essences can be used by people or animals, providing a natural re-connection back to the master healer…“mother nature”. They can be used internally, in water, in a spray bottle sprayed on fur, dabbed on a paw or an ear, or even sprayed in the air around the animal. I have used every method mentioned, for both people and animals and all of them work wonderfully. They can be used for chronic or acute situations, and used over long periods without side effects.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like a Channeled Reading for you or your animal friend or Flower Essences or Essential Oil recommendations.
Love, Light and Blessings,
Eluv is a Spirit Channeler for people & animals. Implementing Flower Essences, Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing, Sacred Songs and Angel Harps, Essential Oils, and Ancestral Clearing.