Prayer for Peace and Forgiveness.
The present time is a test of our focus and faith. Focus; staying connected with the part ourselves that has compassion and forgiveness. The part that can see the gifts in adversity and not get entangled in the negative aspects of life. Our power and alignment come from seeking thoughts and activities that bring us and others around us joy. Anything other than this diminishes our light. Peace is cultivated from within and is not based on the external. Even in peaceful times, many people experience anything but peace within their own soul, fueled by internal struggles of the mind and emotions.
As the very nature of this life is to present contrast for our expansion and transformation, there is ever-present an element of yin and yang, peace and conflict, within and without. Without conflict we wouldn't strive for solutions, expansion through adversity or overcoming limitations that bring us to new levels. Being at peace within the existing conflict is the task of the transcendent being. It's the art of letting go of the worry, struggle and blame, trusting all is in divine order at all times.
For some its easier to tread the well worn path of familiar ways, repeating patterns of un-empowering beliefs and thinking. Letting peace emerge is a dance of forgiveness, showered with the seeds of love, non judgment and patience. We may not always be on the right track with the all steps it takes to get there, but inner peace is our natural state of being and birthright. We are always welcomed unconditionally with open arms back to our natural state of inner peace, even if it's only for a short visit while we’re meditating or doing something we love.
Practicing peace begins from within, embracing the journey back to our true self, and source of unconditional divine love. No matter how far off the track we are, there is always inner peace to come home to when we set aside some time and intentionally choose to journey back to peace. We may have to dig deep, trust and let go, but it's there.
Faith; Important not to let the absence of peace distract you or be a reason to lose faith. It's like digging for oil, you dig and dig and dig and don't find it, then all of a sudden it's shows up. Then you dig for more cause you know it's there :)
With Peace, Love and Light