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Truth is; you deserve all you want

…all of us do.

Sometimes it’s a matter of us all seeing & transforming old patterns of undeserving etc…these are holographic data of when we were younger and perceptions we formed early out of our circumstances with young not yet matured reactions…they overlay onto our current energy system and are like a shadow. Often we are not even aware they exist. So it’s in self reflection and new awareness this is revealed.

I was meditating yesterday and received information about it from my angel guides. They said; learn to recognize when this kind of holographic data is active, then acknowledge it, thank it, and then choose to act from your higher self…the holograms are old ideas, reactions and perceptions of our young self that most often do not serve us any longer. So trick is to recognize it… ask if not sure, then ask oneself to act from higher self.

I resonated with the explanation about old patterns being like holographic data imposed on ourselves. And explains the reason why we often know better but still act out old patterns, cause we get hooked into the hologram as it’s familiar, automatic and deeply ingrained in our energy system.

This helped me understand why we sometimes attract another that is not available for us, or like my girlfriend was saying this morning how she is not taking good care of her health cause her husband doesn’t take care of himself … is reflection of the old hologram showing up and continuing to be activated. It’s never really about the other person. It’s simply showing information about us that we may not have been aware of prior. The hologram you are tapped into at the time determines your current “truth”.

When we avoid taking a situation personally or making a situation mean anything negative about ourselves and simply see it for what it is, we avoid negative self judgment and making a story about what we think it means which then hooks in our emotions into the story, giving it meaning and fuel, leading to a biased view of our experience.

Story + emotion + meaning = perception = truth…

Change the “story” and you’ll shift perception and access the higher truth and the gift in your experience.

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